(877)540-0933 support@enabledoc.com

New Secure Messaging

New Secure Messaging  Our new secure messaging provides all the same advanced features of the old version, but also included: Video, Audio and Screen Recording Messaging – Send and receive video messages from staff and patients that also allow the screen to be recorded to show lab results or other issues in a video message. Send messages with carbon copies or blind copies to other staff Use speech recording to dictate messages. Open messaging directly from email notifications Please…


Televisits Video Conferencing Built-in

- Televisit is built-in and included at no cost. Text or email a link to patients and with a click you are talking face to face.
- Allow visits to be booked online and paid or bill insurance.
- Virtual check-in services can only be reported when the billing practice has an established relationship with the patient. This is not limited to only rural settings or certain locations. Individual services need to be agreed to by the patient; however, practitioners may educate beneficiaries on the availability of the service prior to patient agreement.
- HCPCS code G2012: Brief communication technology-based service, e.g. virtual check-in, by a physician or other qualified health care professional who can report evaluation and management services, provided to an established patient, not originating from a related e/m service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an e/m service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment; 5-10 minutes of medical discussion.
- HCPCS code G2010: Remote evaluation of recorded video and/or images submitted by an established patient (e.g., store and forward), including interpretation with follow-up with the patient within 24 business hours, not originating from a related e/m service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an e/m service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment.
- Virtual check-ins can be conducted with a broader range of communication methods, unlike Medicare telehealth visits, which require audio and visual capabilities for real-time communication.

Ask for a demonstration today and see patient's online tomorrow!

Read about new codes and guidelines:


Speed Documentation with Planset

Search for a Planset and click will load all the standards of care you set for a condition or treatment. Information loads the templates based on what you have saved. Templates and the note can be easily modified for each unique patient. Notes get completed in seconds.


New Fax Features

Fax has been enhanced to allow multiple notes and/or patient file attachments or all of them to be faxed by selecting the notes or files or click All. This makes it easier to send patient records and other documents via fax at one time.


Adapting to Patient Changes and Needs provides significant opportunities!

ADAPTING to Customer/ Patient Changes Provides Opportunities!          We discussed in our last note that the reason that strategic thinking, planning and leadership is now so critical is that all of the key stakeholders, the micro and macro-environment is changing both rapidly and significantly. Stakeholders are any group that has a vested interest in the success and profitability of any organization.      They include customers, suppliers, employees, communities, educational organizations, governments and others.          We will start with the…


Winning equals L(leadership)A(adaptability)T(talent)I(influencing) N(networks)!

Strategic Winning equals L.A.T.I.N LEADERSHIP is first!             Leadership is vital to the success of any organization. Even if an organization has the best competitive strategy it will not succeed unless it has the right leadership.             Based on my experience and research leadership must fit the life cycle of the business and the type of strategy they selected. Let me illustrate what I am saying. There are four stages of the life cycle. Each requires a different type…


Strategic Winning—Leadership Adaptability Talent Influencing Networks (L.A.T.I.N)

Strategic Winning! L.A.T.I.N!!               Having spent many of my years as a corporate strategist, leading my own consulting organization, teaching, writing and lecturing, I tried to summarize what I believe are the essential elements of being a strategic winner.             When I wrote my latest book: The Secret To GE’s Success! (that I wanted to entitle: Breaking the GE Code) I came to conclusion that GE’s 125-year growth, profitability, and survival could be summarized in one word: L.A.T.I.N…


Reasons Middle Income Class is in Crisis and Declining

Reasons why Middle Income Class Is in CRISIS and Declining!!             The United States is unique because its MIDDLE income have grown, prospered and provided the foundation of its society… BUT THE MIDDLE INCOME is DECLINING and in JEAPODY…I would like to outline some of the reasons for its decline. Reason #1— IMPOSSIBLE TO GROW SAVING! The Federal Reverse’s 12 years of low interest policy has made it impossible for the middle class, and those on FIXED income to…


Middle Income Segment Is Vital to Success and is under great financial pressure because of increasing healthcare costs!

The Wall Street Journal article in their August 26, 2016 edition highlights the growing problem of the MIDDLE INCOME families and individuals to be able to AFFORD and USE healthcare services. These are some highlights in the article: By 2014, middle-income households’ health-care spending was 25% higher than what they were spending before the recession that began in 2007, even as spending fell for other “basic needs” such as food, housing, clothing and transportation, according to an analysis for…


Martial Status, Family Size and Turnover of the Patients are also changing and are key to cash flows!

Patient Demographics Marital Status, Children, Continuity and Turnover! More keys to cash flows!             So far we have discussed the following patient demographics, trends and impact on cash flow: Ability to pay!, Health Condition, Age, Gender, Nationality/ Race/ Religion, Occupation and Income level.             Now we will discuss Marital status, Number of children, Continuity and Turnover.   Marital Status and Number of Children The attitude toward marriage and families has changed dramatically in many parts of the world and…