(877)540-0933 support@enabledoc.com

Advanced Graphical Calendar

Customizable calendar for providers, resources, services and groups/classes

Book Online and Confirm Appointments

Patients/Clients can book appointments from your website showing only available times by provider, or office. Services and classes can also be booked and paid for. Televisits can be booked and paid. Staff are alerted to online booking and with a click can confirm or suggest other appointment times.

Custom Calendar Views with Default by Empoyee
Custom color, order, status, duration, slot height
Drag/Drop and Copy/Paste Appointments
Recurring, Services, Classes/group based appointments
Integrated Insurance benefits, Payments and Billing
Add patients, open notes, enter charges with a click
Save Waiting Lists, Blocks and Breaks, & Reserved Slots
Electronic CDA Referrals via Direct Messaging
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