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ONC Health IT Certification Disclosure & Costs


This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Vendor name: Enabledoc LLC, Product Version: Enablemypractice Version EHR 5.0, Date certified: 1/18/2022, Certification #:



Tested and Certified Modules:

170.315(a)(1): Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) - Medications

170.315(a)(2): CPOE - Laboratory

170.315(a)(3): CPOE - Diagnostic Imaging

170.315(a)(4): Drug-Drug, Drug-Allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE

170.315(a)(5): Demographics

170.315(a)(12): Family Health History

170.315(a)(14): Implantable Device List

170.315(b)(1) – Transition of care

170.315(b)(2): Clinical Information Reconciliation and Incorporation

170.315(b)(10) - Electronic Health Information export

170.315(b)(11):Decision support interventions

170.315(c)(1) - Clinical quality measures –record and export

170.315(c)(2) - Clinical quality measures –import and calculate

170.315(c)(3) - Clinical quality measures —report

170.315(d)(1): Authentication, Access Control, Authorization

170.315(d)(2): Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance

170.315(d)(3): Audit Report(s)

170.315(d)(4): Amendments

170.315(d)(5): Automatic Access Time-out

170.315(d)(6): Emergency Access

170.315(d)(7): End-User Device Encryption

170.315(d)(8): Integrity

170.315(d)(9): Trusted Connection

170.315(d)(11): Accounting of Disclosures

170.315(d)(12): Encrypt authentication credentials

170.315(d)(13): Multi-factor authentication

170.315(e)(1) - View, download, and transmit to 3rd party

170.315(e)(3): Patient Health Information Capture

170.315(f)(1) - Transmission to immunization registry

170.315(g)(2): Automated measure calculation

170.315(g)(3): Safety-Enhanced Design

170.315(g)(4): Quality Management System

170.315(g)(5): Accessibility-Centered Design

170.315(g)(6): Consolidated CDA Creation

170.315(g)(7): Application Access - Patient Selection

170.315(g)(9) - Application access –all data request

170.315(g)(10) - Standardized API for Patient and Population Services

170.315(h)(1) - Direct Project

Tested and Certified Clinical Quality Measures

CMS2  Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan

CMS52 HIV/AIDS: Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia (PCP) Prophylaxis

CMS56 Functional Status Assessment for Total Hip Replacement

CMS66 Functional Status Assessment for Total Knee Replacement

CMS68 Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record

CMS74 Primary Caries Prevention Intervention as Offered by Primary Care Providers, including Dentists

CMS75 Children Who Have Dental Decay or Cavities

CMS82Maternal Depression Screening

CMS117 Childhood Immunization Status

CMS122 Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (> 9%

CMS125 Breast Cancer Screening

CMS127 Pneumococcal Vaccination Status for Older Adults

CMS128 Anti-depressant Medication Management

CMS130 Colorectal Cancer Screening

CMS131 Diabetes: Eye Exam

CMS133 Cataracts: 20/40 or Better Visual Acuity within 90 Days Following Cataract Surgery

CMS134 Diabetes: Medical Attention for Nephropathy

CMS139 Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk

CMS143 Primary OpenAngle Glaucoma (POAG): Optic Nerve Evaluation

CMS146 Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis

CMS149 Dementia: Cognitive Assessment

CMS153 Chlamydia Screening for Women


The monthly, quarterly or annual subscription fee for Enabledoc (Enablemypractice Version EHR 5.0) includes all tested, except Direct Messaging and Lab and other Interfaces, which are optional and have a fee. Additional Software: Direct Messaging requires Kn02 Service. For a detailed explanation of costs, see Enablemypractice pricing. Optional services, which are not required for CMS Incentive Programs, are available for a nominal fee. These services include but are not limited to: custom api features beyond ONC required API, wellness/chronic care management, fax, reminders, call routing, billing, and payment management.

Direct messaging functionality - Extra $50 a month per account

Includes: transitions of care, discharge summaries, and messaging functionality) [Revelant certification criteria: § 170.315(b)(1) and (h) (1)] 

Description: Kno2 Direct Messaging (Surescripts): This functionality allows users to send and receive Direct-based messages to/from other users of certified health IT systems. Direct messages may include clinical data, notes, and PDF attachments.

Cost: $50 per month per Direct Messaging account. CDAs can be generated and shared via the portal without Direct Messaging.

Data export functionality - included with base subscription
Patient Health Information capture - included no charge
Application Access API - included no charge
Implantable Device - included no charge

The use of the Mark must include an attribution statement crediting ownership of the Mark to the legal owner, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (the ONC CERTIFIED HIT® is a registered trademark of HHS). 


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