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Cash Flow is the life-blood of any organization. It focuses on assuring that all organizations (for profit or non-profit) have a continuing stream of cash to pay their bills and keep providing care to patients.

Patients are demanding more convenient care that fits their schedule and does not require them to travel to a physician office. Patients have been turning to pharmacies and urgent care centers to get treatment, which reduces revenues for your practice and makes it difficult to deliver patients the best care. In many ways, patients want physicians to provide in home care like it used to be. Now, with a text or email a video call care visit can be provided anywhere and anytime to deliver new revenue and save cost on follow-up visits. Being able to treat patients anywhere offers a way to increase practice revenue by filling open slots during the day and in the evening. Surgery followup visits can also be performed more efficiently and effectively for patients with Televisits.

Our service also allows Televisit appointment booking and upfront credit/debit card payments (Check out our payment partner).

Text a Visit prevents losing revenue to urgent care centers and pharmacies, while improving patient convenience to your care.

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